How to Dress for a Flight
Traveling from coast to coast and across seas to far-off places, I've come to truly appreciate dressing for practicality and comfort as...

Motions & Motivations
You can dress right, talk right, sound right, look right, and seem right, but unless you are right, does it matter? "Putting on" is a way...

How to Live the Designer Life
What makes a designer purse a designer purse? Is it just the name? At one time I did customer service evaluations for designer companies...

Stationery Winners!
I once confessed to my husband, "I could easily waste my life away just doing crafts!" This past week has confirmed that statement...

How to Create Your Personal Stationery Wardrobe
Have you ever gone to your mailbox, pulled out the bills and promotional literature, then as you were unenthusiastically going through...
How to Claim Your 20s
"Journalists coin silly nicknames for twentysomethings like ‘twixters’ and ‘kidults.’ … As a culture, we have trivialized what is...

My Love is Unconditional, But My Fellowship Isn't (Pt. 2 of The Freedom Series)
In just a few weeks, a celebration will break out across our nation. What will we be celebrating? Our blessed independence! God bless the...

You're Not Worth My Freedom (Pt. 1 of The Freedom Series)
“If you don't [fill in the blank], I'm not going to be your friend anymore.” Did you ever hear this growing up? I did. This was the trump...

Things to Be Thankful For: Picnics!
Sometimes I forget how refreshing it is to the soul to be outside. I look around at the trees responding to the wooing of the wind, take...

How to Know When it Should Be Handwritten
We live in one of the most exciting times in history. Looking at this chart we can see that in a very short span of time (during our...