The Crown of Life

In my meditation today I've been reading in James chapter one. In this chapter James is talking about looking at trials as a joyous thing, and that a man who remains steadfast under trials and loves God will receive the crown of life as promised by Him. The world is crazy, and in this fallen state, trials in life are inevitable. To count trials as a joyous thing doesn't make sense to most of us. James explains that these trials are to serve as a test of our faith which produces steadfastness. And steadfastness, having its full effect, helps us to be perfect and complete (whole, lacking nothing).
Do you ever feel empty? Sometimes I think if I could just get this or have that or do something BIG, then I would be "living the dream" and feel fulfilled. I settle for the pacifier instead of reaching further to the nourishing milk. It may tide me over for a short while, but it doesn't satisfy. I'm left hungry.
What I've found is, the more I indulge myself in chasing after things that the world says equates to happiness, the more empty I feel. These things promise satisfaction, but fail to deliver. Verses 9-11 is a sobering read:
"Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, and the rich is his humiliation, because like a flower in the grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits."
As an entrepreneur pursuing a dream, I am challenged by the thought that one day I will fade away in the midst of my pursuits. Which leads to the question: What do I want to show for my life? Do I want to show that I worked and toiled to gain success and indulged myself all the way (used what I earned all on me and my comforts), or do I want to show that I worked hard to build a business of quality and integrity that helps people, while keeping in my mind the business of God, like helping the helpless and not just those who can pay?
Finally, verse 12 really captured my imagination. I envisioned a crown of living flowers adorning a girl basking in the sunshine. She smiles as she remembers that every good gift and blessing is from the hand of her Heavenly Father.
Jesus is our perfect example of someone who was steadfast under trials and the testing of his faith. He endured to the cross in obedience, even though he was so afraid that he sweat drops of blood. Jesus loved me and he loved you well before we were born, and even while knowing we would be sinners, He died for us. He wore a crown of thorns so our heads could be graced with a crown of flowers - the crown of life.
Bask in His Grace,