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Real Awkward Girl Moments

Real life stories of awkward or good-humored moments by yours truly and contributors.

Bowl-Licking Good!


"My husband and I were dining in a restaurant one evening and he loved his dessert. The waiter came over and asked if we enjoyed it. [My husband] said, 'It was so good I could lick my bowl.' The waiter said hold on (as he put his arms out to block our view from the other diners) and said, 'Go ahead I'll block while you get your lick on.' We have laughed many times over that. We enjoy good food. At home he might lick his bowl with his finger if it's really good- lol. It was funny."


Key Lesson: Befriend your waiter. 


-Ms. Get Your Lick On, North Carolina




That's One Way to Compliment the Chef!


"My favorite non-American etiquette custom came when having supper with an oriental couple over in Chapel Hill where he was a graduate student.  The mother, who spoke no English, was visiting from (I think it was) China.  You'll never know the SHOCK I experienced when after eating her first big course she put her hands on her big belly and let loose the biggest belch I ever heard!   She smiled and nodded her head with the family all smiling and bowing back. I assumed she said she liked the cooking!"


Key Lesson: Be gracious toward cultural differences, and try to keep your composure when the unexpected happens!


-Ms. Culturally Shocked, North Carolina




Let Me Out of Here!


"I was running late on my way to an event that I expected to be a great opportunity for networking. After arriving and finding a chair to sit in at the back, I realized I had to go to the restroom and I needed to go right away! So I discreetly got up to exit some double-doors at the back. After proceeding through the double-doors I found myself in a strange hallway. Looking to find a restroom, I realized that all the doors were securely locked - even the ones I came through! I seemed to flit from one door to the next, looking to find a way out, but to no avail. I was trapped!


I finally walked up a flight of stairs and knocked on yet another door needing a key card to enter. The door was opened by a curious man with curious eyes peering over cubicles behind him to get a good look at the intruder. He was so kind help me get back to the event. I never did find the bathroom!"


Key Lesson: Use the bathroom before going to an event! 


-The Trapped Butterfly, North Carolina


Laughter: The Best Medicine














Ever since I can remember, my family has found awkward moments to be hilarious! We get a kick out of talking about the crazy circumstances in which we may find ourselves and having a good laugh over them. My husband, on the other hand, thinks this is strange. He doesn't understand how sharing your most embarassing moments could be an enjoyable pastime. Go figure! 


Sometimes we can fall into the joy-stealing trap of taking ourselves too seriously. Learning how to laugh at ourselves on occasion helps us to keep upbeat even when circumstances aren't the best. 


Here in the Real Awkward Moments section of the blog you'll have the chance to read real stories shared by yours truly and contributors. If you'd like to share a real awkward girl moment you may do so below. Don't worry, your identity is safe with me! I recommend using a pseudo-name that reflects your story.


Thanks for your real awkward girl moment! I appreciate your transparency and good-humored nature. Sharing your story helps the rest of us know we're not alone!

Faith. Hope. Love.

The greatest of these is love.


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