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Becoming a Moxie Homemaker


As a home-based entrepreneur it's hard to know when to clock out and go home mentally. In order to not become utterly consumed by my ambition and totally neglect my home physically and emotionally I have set some boundaries for myself. I try to dedicate the first day of the week to focusing on my home. Monday is my day to do laundry and other chores that require more than the usual maintenance. It is also my day to think more deeply about my home and family matters.I try to think of ways I can improve my home. How can I make it lovelier, more inviting, more comfortable, and more personal? This is why my Scripture meditation today was such a perfect fit. This morning I was reading 1 Peter 2:1-3 in The Message translation (I usually stick with ESV, but I love how the MSG put this concept in layman's terms): "So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You've had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness. Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God." This is a great reminder that more important than getting my house in order physically is to give it a good cleaning spiritually. I can do this by taking the time to think of how sin has crept in and to sweep it not under the rug, but out the back door! As you prepare for your week ahead, I hope you'll join me in the noble quest to becoming a moxie homemaker. May we fight against those things that would drive peace from our homes like malice, pretense, envy, and hurtful talk. I've prayed for you today. Be encouraged! Be bright and beautiful in word and deed, Abigail George

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Let's have some girl talk:

Faith. Hope. Love.

The greatest of these is love.


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