It Matters What You Wear
Why does it? We might ask ourselves this. Let me ask you, why do you think it might? Did you know that 1/10 of a second is all it takes...

Things to Be Thankful For: An Unexpected Change of Plans
An unexpected change of plans provided a free morning. I could work on some laundry, prepare for my dinner guests tonight, or get to...

Things to Be Thankful For: The Gift of Baking
Holidays have a way of bringing people together. Put baking into the mix, my friends, and you have yourselves a winner! World Baking Day...

Things to Be Thankful For: Beauty in Everyday Things
Sometimes while in the midst of your everyday things you can stumble across a scene that makes you smile--like blooming flowers at your...
"It's Not Personal. It's Business."
The setting for this film is New York City. I've never been to New York. I should love to visit someday! But when I think of New York, as...

Things to Be Thankful For: Time With Hubby
I am so thankful for quality time with my hunnie. I knew it would be harder to come by once we got home from our honeymoon and resettled...

Things to Be Thankful For: Flowers
My husband has been talking of getting me flowers ever since we got back from our honeymoon. "None of them seem to be right," he'd say....
How to Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude is one of those gifts that gives endlessly to the one who has it. Perhaps you've heard the quote, "Gratitude turns what we have...

We've All Ben Hur (Why Etiquette)
That awkward girl who said the wrong thing at the wrong time, who seemed to be the only one in the room that didn't know anyone else, who...

Give your social presence a makeover
To create your first image blog post, click here and select 'Add & Edit Posts' > All Posts > This is the title of your first image post....