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It Matters What You Wear

Why does it? We might ask ourselves this. Let me ask you, why do you think it might?

Did you know that 1/10 of a second is all it takes to make a first impression? And what could someone possibly know about you in 1/10 of second, may I ask? If you've ever watched an episode of the BBC series Sherlock, you'd recall how famous Mr. Holmes is for being able to pretty much tell a person's whole life story just by making deductions based on his observations of their appearance. It's fantasy, but it does display the idea that a lot can be perceived about a person simply through their looks, from the clothes they wear to their countenance.

There's something really interesting about clothes. They have the amazing ability to sway perception, and perception is reality (or it might as well be). By what you wear you can influence (not control, mind you) the way people think about you. How do you want people to think about you? Maybe you care, maybe you don't. Why does is matter? I guess it doesn't really, except that the way people treat you is largely influenced by what they think of you. So I guess you can ask yourself, How do I want to be treated? and know that you do have some personal power over that.

Let's look at just a few scenarios.

At the Workplace

Are you working towards a promotion? How might you want to nonverbally communicate that you take your job seriously and are ready to take on more responsibility and go to the next level? Firstly, you can start by doing your best work where you are, filling a need, and continually making yourself more valuable by increasing your skills. Secondly, you can construct a polished and professional wardrobe that lets your employer know that you take pride in your position and you are a positive reflection of the company, one that they may want to use as a "best foot forward."


Are you looking forward to getting married and starting a family one day? Despite what marriage critics may say, marriage is a wonderful institution God put into place that can serve as a powerful hub for love, growth, synergy, respect, encouragement, and fun! Marrying is one of the biggest steps you'll take in life and will have an incredible impact on your life's course. It's exciting!

Here are some things I daresay most men find attractive in a woman: happiness, good health, cleanliness, an adventurous spirit and good humor. Where do clothes fit in? I say, wear what makes you feel pretty with this principle in mind:

“A dress should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to prove you're a lady.”

― Edith Head, The Dress Doctor

How you dress in a social and dating context sends a message about your boundaries. When you take steps to be more attractive, you're communicating that you're open to pursuit. It's like a subtle invitation. (Why else would you put effort into your looks if you weren't hoping to attract someone? Perhaps there are other reasons, of course.). However, if you're pushing beyond that by displaying yourself in a particularly sexual light, you may get male attention, but is it the type of male attention you're hoping for?

I guess you have to ask yourself what the goal is and what you're wanting when it comes to men and dating. I personally hope you're wanting a loving, trusting relationship where the WHOLE person can be enjoyed and appreciated. You can look and be attractive without objectifiying yourself and inviting men to do the same. How? By wearing clothes that suit you best, make you feel lovely, and provide some feminine mystery, and simply adding to that ensemble well-groomed nails and brows, clean and styled hair, a light, pleasing scent, and a warm countenance. This image says, "I welcome your interest and there is so much more to me than just my body."

At Home

Wear whatever you like! You're the queen of your castle. :)

Consider also how you'd like to be treated while...

Out Shopping. Do you want sales representatives to take your visit to their store with great interest?

When at School (if you're a student). Are you hoping to pursue leadership positions? Make new friends? Impress your professors?

At the Doctor's Office. Do you want to be treated with the best care?

What do you think about this topic? Do you have any personal experiences that you'd like to share?


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