Motions & Motivations
You can dress right, talk right, sound right, look right, and seem right, but unless you are right, does it matter? "Putting on" is a way...

How to Live the Designer Life
What makes a designer purse a designer purse? Is it just the name? At one time I did customer service evaluations for designer companies...
How to Claim Your 20s
"Journalists coin silly nicknames for twentysomethings like ‘twixters’ and ‘kidults.’ … As a culture, we have trivialized what is...

It Matters What You Wear
Why does it? We might ask ourselves this. Let me ask you, why do you think it might? Did you know that 1/10 of a second is all it takes...
"It's Not Personal. It's Business."
The setting for this film is New York City. I've never been to New York. I should love to visit someday! But when I think of New York, as...