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"It's Not Personal. It's Business."

The setting for this film is New York City. I've never been to New York. I should love to visit someday! But when I think of New York, as I think many people in other parts of the country might, I think of the big city, people coming to and fro, impersonal interactions, etc. Who has the time to be personal? In the midst of it all, Kathleen Kelly, former owner of a little children's bookstore, makes it her business to be personal with her customers. The fruit of that is the building of a community and sense of family. It's powerful, touching, and the effects are lasting.

"Whatever else anything is it ought to begin by being personal."

-Kathleen Kelly, You've Got Mail

So how does one begin by being personal? It could be as simple as learning someone's name and using it often while when speaking with that person. It could mean slowing down long enough to offer a smile and eye-to-eye contact while asking, "How are you today?" So simple. So powerful. So worth it!

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Let's have some girl talk:

Faith. Hope. Love.

The greatest of these is love.


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