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We've All Ben Hur (Why Etiquette)

That awkward girl who said the wrong thing at the wrong time, who seemed to be the only one in the room that didn't know anyone else, who wasn't sure what to do when she found that there were two forks instead of one at dinner... Which one do you use first? One would think that akwardness was one of those things that you'd grow out of. How I personally wish that were the case!

For an awkward girl like myself, I've found etiquette to be one of my best friends! It's my go-to when I'm not sure what to do! Here on The Awkward Girl's Guide to (Almost) Everything we'll work on cultivating a confidence that comes from knowing what to do in all sorts of situations. Along with that, we'll talk and laugh about life, love, and faith. After all, at the heart of it, we're people who make up a community, and at the center of every community there is love and relationships.

So come on, let's grow together and in the meantime kiss some of those awkward moments goodbye!


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Let's have some girl talk:

Faith. Hope. Love.

The greatest of these is love.


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