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Keep Reading Fresh With a Seasonal Library (for children)

Have you ever gotten overwhelmed by the amount of choices there are for virtually everything? Just imagine that same sort of overwhelm for the child faced with too many book options in their home library (I know, first world problems!).

An easy way to keep book-choosing simple is to limit the number of books in your child's library to just a few at the time and change them out periodically (perhaps weekly). You can also take into account seasons and holidays when making your book selections, or have themes that you go by like animals or differing countries.

Children can anticipate new and fresh stories regularly without the overwhelm. And who knows? Maybe this will encourage them to also venture past their favorites that you both know by heart already. ;-)

Perhaps you don't have a large home library and would like to provide more reading opportunities for your child. The public library is a great way to stock the home library with fresh reading, and/or you could start a book swapping club with some other moms. Both options not only provide new reading material, but can help teach your children responsible borrowing and returning.

What is your child's favorite book right now? I'd love to know!

Happy reading!



Don't you just love this little readers' nook? This bright bit of inspiration was found here on this blog.

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