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New Year's Aspirations!

Hello, January!

Today I finished cleaning up the last of our Christmas decorations. Taking down all the cheer can be a little depressing, right? But the celebration isn't over! The coming of Christ is to be celebrated all the year long, and His salvation is a gift that gives eternally. And if you've come to encounter the transformative power of faith in Jesus then you know all about...

new beginnings.

January is a month is which we embrace the idea of turning over a new leaf, making plans, reflecting over the last year, and purposing to improve in the year to come. Perhaps the idea of setting "New Year's Resolutions" seems like an intimidating task, but I think we'd all agree that setting goals is a fabulous thing and, if done right, can be inspiring, fun, and extremely helpful!

Instead of a New Year's Resolution, how about setting a New Year's Aspiration? An aspiration sounds much like inspiration and means a goal that is strongly desired. Desire and inspiration are fuel for getting things done.

Growing up, my family had the tradition of setting goals according to 7 categories: Faith, Family, Friends, Fitness, Finances, Education, and Fun. I'd love to share the tradition with you, so if you're game, brew yourself some tea, grab a notebook and pen, and keep reading as we go over each category together.

Before we begin, let's be sure to keep in mind that goals should be as specific as possible. Say one of your goals is to "be healthy" in 2015. That's great! Now, how do you want to accomplish that? You could place bullet points under your goal like this:

Be Healthy

  • Take a thirty minute walk every week-day.

  • Do Pilates twice a week via online videos.

  • Drink a half gallon of water per day.

  • etc., etc

Also remember that INSPIRATION generates MOTIVATION, and when you're motivated anything becomes all the more easier to accomplish. So how can you get inspired? Maybe you can create a Pinterest board for your goals, tape up pictures on a wall that represent your goals, subscribe to relateable blogs or podcasts, or perhaps invite others to join you in your goals (having a friend walk the road with you helps to keep you going and can be great fun).

Okay, let's get to those categories and prompting questions to help you get started with setting some New Year aspirations!


  • How would you like to grow in your faith?

  • What steps can you take to get where you want to go? (i.e. daily quiet time, group Bible study, etc.)

  • In what moments have you felt closest to God? How can you pursue those moments more?


  • How would you like to see your family grow this year?

  • How can you help that happen?


There are three levels of friends: proteges, peers, and mentors. Identify your relations into these three categories, then ask yourself:

  • How do I want to invest in those who look up to me?

  • How can I better cultivate relationships with my friends? Who should I pursue more? Who should I let go?

  • How can I get the most from my mentors? Is there someone I'd like to be mentored by this year in a special area?


"Health is wealth!" A cheesy saying, but would you say it's untrue? Investing in this area is always a wise thing.

  • What steps can you take to improve your health?

  • What are some things that have hindered you from doing so before? How can you overcome those obstacles?

  • What activities can you do? What are some you enjoy?

  • What about water? Eating habits? Supplements? Sleep?


Money is a tool and something we can all learn to manage better.

  • What would you like to save this year?

  • What would you like to give to?

  • How can you expand your knowledge of money management?

  • What about implementing a working budget?


Learning doesn't end when school days are over. The most vibrant lives are those who never stop learning! Learning can sometimes seem evasive as we settle into pretty well set routines. Growth, then, should be intentional.

  • What are some things you'd like to learn this year?

  • How can you become better informed about your career, managing your home, finances, etc.?

  • What educational resources can help you? (i.e. library books, online articles, video tutorials online, people you know, etc.)


Recreation is something we all need. It is good to take time to step away from our responsibilites to enjoy nature, creativity, activity, and one another. Think of some things that don't involve watching, but doing.

  • What are some things that you love to do?

  • What are some things that help you to feel renewed?

  • What are some things that you'd like to try?

  • Who can join you?

While January is almost over, you can still implement "Jumpstart January" by listing and accomplishing 3 things that will help you to get started on your goals. For example, if you'd like to drink more water you can start by buying a nice water bottle that will help you keep track of your intake. Now you're on your way!

Do you have some goals or traditions you'd like to share? I'd enjoy hearing them. Please comment below. :)

Happy New Year, friends!


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Let's have some girl talk:

Faith. Hope. Love.

The greatest of these is love.


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