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How to Engage and Adjust to Different Cultures

I was beyond excited. Having been asked to help out with a new Christian school on the Micronesian island of Yap, I wasn't only eager to offer aid, but to experience a whole new way of life. I was forewarned, however, that things on Yap were much different than the mostly-Americanized island of Guam which I had been living and teaching on for years. "Bring it on," I thought.

There have been times when I've talked with individuals who didn't like the fact that they were expected to adapt to the standards of the places they were visiting. I recall one person sharing their experience and saying, "I don't believe you should impose your beliefs on someone else." I'll be the first to admit that adapting to new ways can be awfully uncomfortable!

I realize that in the (God bless the) United States we greatly value our liberty and rights and don't like it when others' preferences interfere with them. But look at it this way: When you're in your own home you can do as you please, when you please, and however you please, but when you visit another family's home you respectfully adjust to their rules while there. So it should be when we visit other countries, whether or not we agree with the way they do things.

When I went to Yap I understood that to be respectful of their culture I could only wear skirts and they had to come down below my knees. Not only that, but I couldn't look men in the eyes. I love my jeans and I think men and women are very much equal, but to show deference, I complied.

When we make it a point to learn about where we're traveling to, purposefully becoming aware of what is acceptable there, and adjusting our behaviors and dress when necessary, we're showing great respect. First Ladies have understood and done this for many years:



So the next time you go on an international adventure, why not take the time to find out what the common etiquette is so as not to offend anyone. Here is a fabulous resource for international etiquette that can help get you started, but nothing beats talking with a trusted local if you can:

God bless,


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